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Fwd: L.A races??

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Fwd: L.A races??
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 11:11:44 -0400 (EDT)
Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: L.A races??
Date:    97-09-30 11:06:05 EDT
From:    CLC SF

In a message dated 97-09-30 09:34:11 EDT, you write:

 Come on Don....Why keep dragging this thing out???   VARA attempted the
 biggest vintage race  ever held in LA on a temporary course in the middle of
 a big city, and at the hands of a promoter who was in it to make money.  I'm
 sorry you did not have fun, but don't ruin it for those of us that
 did.......maybe all your comments could be put to work and you could spend a
 few hundred hours volunteering to make next years event better, as may
 volunteers attepmted to do for this inagural event.. >>

Lighten up Mark, I've spent my share of volunteer time including a stint on
the VARA board.

Expressing ones opinion is the main purpose of a BB service such as this,
it's more interesting than reading about used tires for sale.

Don Queen SF

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