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Re: Thicko Fan

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Subject: Re: Thicko Fan
From: Bill Dalton <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:13:31 -0600
Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
> David,
> Welcome to the Thicko fold.
> Perhaps you've had a CAT Scan recently? If not, please do so in advance
> of all those that will tell you to get your head examined for hanging
> with us.
> We actually have become a wrldwide group of vintage race people that
> insist on not taking things (including ourselves) too seriously. We
> welcome all to the "Thicko Village" paddock at every race track we
> attend. There's "chapters" forming on both coasts and in other
> countries. For those that don't get to the tracks, we have our own web
> site at <>. I'm about 80% done with a major
> revision, but please log in to check out a work in progress.
> Side note to FHammett... Repent my son, cleanse your soul, (and anything
> else that needs cleansing). I'm guessing you're a Porsche guy, but hey,
> we've even added some of them to our ranks... (like Dr. Dreadful and Bob
> Tenges for those of you who get to the midwest race scene).
> Flounder
> Team Thicko
> David Laver wrote:
> > Dear Mister DisInformation
> >
> > I love being a fly on the wall when the dirt is being thrown - makes a
> > change
> > from the regular email I get when the dirt is going my way and a bit
> > more
> > important.  I like the list for a reminding me there is life out of
> > the office.
> >  Please add me to the Thicko list.  I've never seen a US track in my
> > life but
> > greatly look forward to visiting a meeting one day and in the interim
> > enjoy it
> > second hand.  You seem to get a lot of fun out of the film shows,
> > cookouts,
> > clubs within clubs, and childish rivalry.  All power to your elbow (as
> > we say
> > in Blighty).
> >
> > David Laver
O great Flounder, I tried to check out the website this evening to see
what you have done, but I keep getting the message that the site is not
answering. It appears that the lights are on, but nobody is home! Please
enlighten if you can.
Bill D

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