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RE: SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios -Reply -Reply

To: "'Jeremy Braithwaite'" <>,
Subject: RE: SSP#2 - HP:IQ Ratios -Reply -Reply
From: Andrew Pursey <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 13:06:17 +1100
Jeremy wrote....

"Notwithstanding Pursey's contention .. I actually have nothing against
tintops - in fact I started my race career in Escorts and still have =
fond memories."

I note the final placings in the 1976 Australian Touring Car =
Championship and there is a certain J Braithwaite in an Escort - what =
happened to that car?

"Back to your comments though - the speedway guys seem to understand
promotion in a way that is competely foreign to vintage race promoters.  =
suspect that the main reaosn for this is that speedway doesn't work
financially if they don't get a crowd - whereas in vintage racing we are
paying to race.  We also don't race frequently enough to build up a =
race crowd."

I think one problem was the CAMS attitude towards Historics.  If a =
promoter undertook extensive advertising to attract spectators then CAMS =
would require the promoter to upgrade the status of the race meeting and =
(surprise, surprise) pay a larger licence fee.  This has now started to =
change, so we should expect to see more promotion in future, I hope.

Tin tops, in the shape of Group N Classic Touring Cars, have been an =
invited category to act as a support feature at various major race =
meetings over the past seasons - see Appendix J info at =  As a result the historic tourers =
have attracted a following and some television coverage (albeit =
sometimes some time after the event).  Maybe there should be greater =
encouragement of Historic categories as support races at major race =
meetings - it might increase interest and attract new competitors?

....regards...Andrew "Axeman" Pursey....1955 Morris Oxford (racing in =
Group Na pre'58 Classic Saloons), 1956 Morris Isis (almost a daily =
driver) and 1996 Saab 900S Coupe (quality worse than most LBCs and Saab =
attitude to customers worse than BL ever was back in the 70s - don't buy =
a Saab)....alternate email

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