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NON-RACE: Porsche for sale

Subject: NON-RACE: Porsche for sale
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 07:55:01 -0600
I just got a letter from a guy in Minneapolis who owns a Porsche that he
purchased from me a number of years ago. He wants to sell it and was
giving me first chance. I cannot buy it but it is such an excellent car
I wanted to pass the info along:

1972 Targa
Stunning appearance
Color - popularly called "ice green"
Interior - honey color
California car most of its life
Near-perfect condition

I looked for a car like this for a year, was happy to find it, and
enjoyed it very much, I sold it to finance return to racing, a decision
which coincided with loss of my drivers license for driving the Porsche
the way it should be driven. It sure made a good story in the Drivers
Habit Correction Class, though.

If interested, contact me off list and I will give you the owners' name
and info.


TR6 -- Spring!
TR4 -- Sprang
uncle jack -- Sprung

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