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Flounder update

To: "vintage race list" <>,
Subject: Flounder update
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 06:28:45 -0500
To all,

Thanks for your letters of concern. One of my favorites was Daniel
Thompson's offer to "take the Bishop off my hands" in order to raise money
for Frankensprite. Nice.

Fortunately, money shouldn't be a problem (can you believe I'm saying that?)
with the building of Frankensprite... but time might be.

On the way home from Mosport (more on that in a minute...), a trip to the
Lake Forest Hospital Emergency room confirmed my own diagnosis... fractured
ribs. So, like Uncle Joe in Hooterville, I'll be "Movin' kinda slow at the
Junction" for a while. The trip home from the track was highlighted with a
trailer tire incident that required an overnight stay in Lansing, MI... and
a real effort in pain management when I had to climb up on the bumper and
into the engine compartment of the Suburban to fix the alternator and
replace the serpentine belt. Man did that hurt.

It appears that the Red Rat Bastard was thoroughly "toasted" by everyone.
That little piece of shit car had about a 95% win percentage (when it
finished...). We may not write off the tub... but it will need much more
work than I can begin to get to this year.

Frankensprite is a right hand drive ex-H prod race car (with a full cage...
"how convenient"...). It will be the most ugly lime green color I can find
(Healey showed up at LeMans one year with this color and the French made
them repaint if for "safety" reasons...). Maura Machachern came up with the
license plate... "Abbynormal" (You have to be a fan of "Young
Frankenstein"). I've commissioned a graphic designer to come up with the
Frankensprite logo... but would be real happy to see anything y'all can come
up with.

That's all for now...

Team Thicko

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