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Re: Tow vehicles again

Subject: Re: Tow vehicles again
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:16:43 EST
I stated racing with a 68 Chrysler station wagon, and it threw a rod on me 
near Cottage Grove Oregon on the way back from Laguna, where my Twincam had 
broken a spark plug (not my best year).

I used to buy an old station wagon every 2-3 years, though I did toy with the 
idea of turning my Mk 9 Jag into a tow car.

These days a Chrysler minivan does just fine - one old car is all I really 
want to be worried about. Mind you, I could use my Jensen CV8 - the factory 
tested one towing a small trailer at 100 mph in the 60s...........

Bill Spohn
MGA Twincam

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