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Re: drum brake?

To: vintage-mailing list <>
Subject: Re: drum brake?
From: Kelley Mascher <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 12:44:35 -0800
I had a similar problem with the single leading shoe rear brakes on a Mini. The 
emergency brake levers were semi-frozen. Freeing the levers seemed to fix it.



At 10:37 PM 12/30/01 -0800, christopher kang wrote:
>while doing the winter rebuild, I noted that the rear drum brake pads
>had worn the first 1/4th leading edge down to the rivets, but the last
>1/4th was almost untouched. Is this normal for racing pads or does
>something need to be adjusted? The car has dual slave cylinders on each
>wheel. I was using the stock pads prior, but didn't ever get enough wear
>to notice the pattern.
>Also, do most race pads last more than 1-2 races?
>lotus europa

Kelley Mascher                                                                
Seattle, Washington USA

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