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Re: [Vintage-race] Watches

To: "'Fisher or Elizabeth Jones'" <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] Watches
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:10:30 -0500
Former vintage racer Ken Smoot turned me on to a great old timer in Wilmette
IL. He does all my cleanings and repairs. 

His name is David Bunin.

847 251-1572

(wearing my early 70's Omega Speedmaster today).


-----Original Message-----
From: Fisher or Elizabeth Jones [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 9:01 AM
Subject: [Vintage-race] Watches

   Good morning from a lurker,
           This conversation about watches prompts my question.  I bought
   my  husband an old silver pocket watch several years ago.  It was made
   in "Constantinople", today's Istanbul.  It needs cleaning, but it also
   needs  repair.   I  haven't been able to find anyone locally, close to
   San  Antonio   TX,  who  will  even touch it.  Do any of you know of a
   reputable  person  who  might  be  interested  in making the necessary
   repairs.   I  would  prefer  to  send it to someone with a reputation,
   rather than just pot luck, and I haven't been successful so far.
   thanks, and I'll go back in my corner now.

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