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Re: VTR Scores

To: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com>
Subject: Re: VTR Scores
From: fred thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 17:14:08 -0700
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
References: <"Macintosh */PRMD=MOT/ADMD=MOT/C=US/"@MHS>
Reply-to: fred thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
> Andy and Co.,
>   Below you will see the finger pointing back to the VTR for the scores for
> the Nationals. What are the chances of getting these back out to the members
> wanting them? Have they been burned and the ashes spread in the English
> Channel for fear of ears getting bitten off? If funds are a problem VTR can
> always capitalize on the situation and sell them at a large profit;-). All
> this secrecy can't be good for the organization or provide incentive to play
> this game.  BTW this is just being sent to VTR list and not the Triumph list
> an an attempt to keep all the background clutter down..
> Regards,
> Richard Ceraldi
> Austin, TX
> ******************************************************
> Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
> >
> > So who is George Rabey?
> Hi again!
> George is the VTR chief judge -- he had jurisdiction over the entire
> Concours, where Duncan Wood was the chief judge from our club.
> George's  contact info is on the inside front cover of The Vintage
> Triumph, which unfortunately I have at home, not here at work.
> Hope this helps!
> Keep Triumphing,
> Susan  %)
> ******************************************************
> Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
> >
> > Susan,
> >  So what's the address to send our envelope to?
> > Richard
> Hi Richard!
> It was merely a suggestion for next time -- George Rabey has the judging
> forms and we don't have access to them.  Sorry!
> Keep Triumphing,
> Susan   %)
> ******************************************************
> To: triumphs@autox.team.net@INTERNET
> (Hi all!  Jim's server isn't letting him send mail out, so I am posting
> this for him -- Susan)
> Larry,
> When we were setting up the 1997 VTR National, our committee head on
> Judging agreed that the judging sheets should be shared with the competitors,
>  BUT NOT AT THE SHOW!  Evidently there has been trouble at past shows with
> competitors becoming quite upset at the results and making life miserable
> for the judging staff.
> His suggestion is that at the show interested individuals could supply a
> self addressed stamped envelope, and results would be sent a month after the
> show.  That way emotion won't cloud objective evaluation of the sheets, and
> the competitor can be ready for next year's show.
> I don't know if the VTR would agree to this suggestion, but it'd be
> something for Minnesota to consider for next year.
> Jim Gambony
> Mad Man in McKinney
>  ----------
> From: triumphs-owner
> To: JGAMBO01
> Subject: results of judges at car show
> Date: Friday, August 15, 1997 12:04AM
> Dear group I feel we are missing a very important function of our car
> shows. We go not get our car point brake down from the judges.
> I understand in 1988 or what year there was a fist fight so vtr will
> not give our RECORD out with the fear of trouble. My Point is this
> is childish and by other means it is a breach
> of-------------------------. let you lawyers fill in the blanks.
> My suggestion to take of the above mail then.(if a stamp is a problem,
> i am sure this could be cured.
> What does the list think?
> Larrf
> Thanks
> Larry Scharff
> Friendswood Tx.
> 1967   TR4A

Listers, if you think MIKE TYSON was a bad sport just try to imagine what 
would happen with 200 T/R owners who already know their car is the best 
of show and then give him the judges sheet to prove how bad his car looks 
to a judge. There are a lot of owners out there who would not take it 
very kindly if they were to see the score sheets that day. If you don't 
beleive this go over to a owner and just start picking his car apart and 
just think of this X 200. Mail the score sheets at a later date and save 
all the hassle. Don'T forget how many trailer queens there are out there

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