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Total 614 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 11:14:47 EST
With "5th floor types" making nearly 500 times what the average worker makes today and the middle class slowly disappearing accordingly, the average worker can no longer afford the quality he could b
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00045.html (11,278 bytes)

2. Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 12:57:22 EST
Of course, "the other half", lacking an adequate education (which is mostly their own damned fault), along with, possibly, motivational difficulties, struggles to find decent jobs, in the shadow of t
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00050.html (12,190 bytes)

3. Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:51:01 EST
4 Amen to that, Kate! Here here! 5 more payments and the house is paid off. The guest house next door only costs us $450 a month, and when we add our current payment to that payment, it should be pai
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00063.html (11,672 bytes)

4. Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 22:52:09 EST
The 500% refers to fortune 500 company CEO's. about some more figures then. I know we use the Fortune 500 companies as a benchmark, but what percentage of the working middle class do they em
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00087.html (9,871 bytes)

5. Re: Machine shop chatter (no lbc) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 23:06:37 EST
The average CFO salary for 2002 (it has been going up) was $7,300,000 plus bonus. The average working man/woman salary in the US is 70,000 as of the latest survey released just days ago. Remember tha
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00089.html (9,837 bytes)

6. Re: Not suitable for those of a nervous disposition... (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:47:56 EST
( it working now. The jags were bad enough, but lordy, they smashed a good old Ford pickup! Robert Houston Texan in NM 73 MG Midget 74.5 MGBGT 63 TR4 T
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00142.html (9,538 bytes)

7. Re: Ebay Story (Long) (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 20:13:48 EST
Give us his ebay name or item number so we can all ask him if whatever else he is selling has any paint on it. I agree with Frank. We can bombard all of his auctions with "is there any paint overspra
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00156.html (10,699 bytes)

8. Re: Ebay Story (Long) (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 22:20:37 EST
I guess that if your customer has a gun, you keep things on the up and up. :-) "An armed society is a polite society" Robert B. Houston Texan in NM 73 Midget and others John Bernard Books (The Shooti
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00214.html (8,936 bytes)

9. Re: moparmom70 (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 23:15:26 EST
He sent me a threatening email as Way to go Kent, but I suspect Mopar Mom is a she...if this were Assn I'd be more specific.. Robert B. Houston Texan in NM 73 Midget and others John Bernard Books (Th
/html/spridgets/2006-03/msg00218.html (8,615 bytes)

10. Re: LBC Video (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:52:12 EST
Be truthful. When you finish watching the video did you say, "that could be me?" Talk about shipwrights desease! New frame, new body, new's not a resoration, it's a replacement. Robert H
/html/spridgets/2006-02/msg00294.html (8,174 bytes)

11. Re: Bonnet sources (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:53:36 EST
Any recommended sources for complete Bugeye bonnets either steel (stop laughing) or fiberglass. Thanks! Chris Pilot Rob turned me on to a supplier in CT that has Bugeye bonnets in fiberglass, only $4
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00070.html (8,312 bytes)

12. Re: Bonnet sources (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 12:03:19 EST
I've seen decent ones on ebay from time to time I've got a crappy steel one with accident damage and rust, but it's cheap! RBH Your messages not reaching the list? Check out
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00071.html (8,031 bytes)

13. Re: Bargin Big Healey (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:24:27 EST
This auction was pulled the other night and it's back again! _ ( And now it's pulled again..... Robert B. Houston Texan in NM 73 Midget 63 TR4 "A str
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00101.html (8,150 bytes)

14. Re: Bargin Big Healey (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:23:41 EST
Happy Ed? talk about your oxymorons..... Robert B. Houston Texan in NM 73 Midget 63 TR4 "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives modera
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00102.html (7,973 bytes)

15. Re: Frank's Stromberg (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 10:54:14 EST
So. you may be looking for just the Stromberg. Fred Thomas of the TR list had a Stromberg for you Frank. I gave him your email address. Did he contact you? Robert B. Houston Texan in NM 73 Midget 63
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00120.html (8,073 bytes)

16. Need help with a Chevy... (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 21:35:58 EST
So color me dumb. How the heck do you adjust the headlights on a 1997 Chevy Tahoe? I found two rods above the headlights that are six sided and seem to do nothing. I can see two white nylon torx nuts
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00149.html (8,530 bytes)

17. Re: Jensen - clean clean clean one on eBay. Item No. 4538288644 (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 18:55:05 EST
This one should be ok. It's got a 10 cyl motor and Mopar 4 speed, according to the ad. Probably one of the rare Viper Jensens. Must be a multiplex ignition system to fire all 10 cylinders off four pl
/html/spridgets/2005-03/msg00359.html (8,761 bytes)

18. Re: Windshield Parts (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:12:37 EST
Bob..that's Military Intelligence....and isn't the Secretary of Defense a civilian? of slick Willies boys.. R. Houston
/html/spridgets/1999-12/msg00011.html (7,640 bytes)

19. Re: On another topic (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:12:46 EST
Yes I am...just working my buns off on the old job. I was in Chihuahua last week, LA Monday and Tuesday, worked late last night, and had to be at the golf course at 7am today to lose to some customer
/html/spridgets/1999-12/msg00113.html (8,584 bytes)

20. Re: On another topic (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:20:58 EST
<< Subj: Re: On another topic Date: 12/02/1999 2:04:06 PM Pacific Standard Time From: (Albert F Jones) Sender: Reply-to: (Albert F Jones
/html/spridgets/1999-12/msg00114.html (8,923 bytes)

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