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Total 10 documents matching your query.

1. Testing List Respons (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 21:28:26 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 22.09.2004 21:28:26, Serialize complete at 22.09.2004 21:28:26
I just have to test, I havn't recieved any messages for days :-( Terje Check out the new British Cars Forum:
/html/triumphs/2004-09/msg00771.html (6,604 bytes)

2. Have I ruined my starter (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 17:07:36 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 01.08.2004 17:07:37, Serialize complete at 01.08.2004 17:07:37
Hello agian List During cranking the TR3 engine the RPM eventually (a couple of minutes) slowed down and I took a break. As I should dry again, the starter only turns the starter around, but does not
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00794.html (7,416 bytes)

3. Re: Have I ruined my starter (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 21:17:18 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 01.08.2004 21:17:19, Serialize complete at 01.08.2004 21:17:19
Thanks a lot so far.. Well a couple of minuts is perhaps not strickly correct.. I've put the battery on charging and hopefully tomorrow will show OK starter. After all it was bought recon and even th
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00798.html (7,408 bytes)

4. Ref Engine start up and possible ruined starter.. (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 21:50:10 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 02.08.2004 21:50:15, Serialize complete at 02.08.2004 21:50:15
Hi List Well, today it was time to have another go on the TR3. I have recharged the battery and a quick test revealed a starter in nice shape :-)) I then removed the distributor and found myself a ro
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00843.html (7,802 bytes)

5. Help needed in Norway - again (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 23:07:59 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 04.08.2004 23:08:00, Serialize complete at 04.08.2004 23:08:00
Sorry List, but yesterday's starting effort only proved me without sparking :-(( Today I was fidling around with a multimeter and I measured between + on coil and first - on coil, then all the way to
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00907.html (8,162 bytes)

6. Re: Help needed in Norway - again (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 01:21:12 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 05.08.2004 01:21:13, Serialize complete at 05.08.2004 01:21:13
Thanks a lot all of You :-) Great help as always, and this time you were right on the spot Dave. I just rushed out to the garage at 01:00 AM to check it out, and it proved to be a misplaced plastic w
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00916.html (8,405 bytes)

7. The TR3 finaly started - yippppy (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 20:52:47 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 05.08.2004 20:52:53, Serialize complete at 05.08.2004 20:52:53
Hi List This message only to thank all of You, contributing to a successfull start up of my TR3 today - what a great feeling and sound :-))))))) After approx 1 1/2 year, totally disassembly of the ca
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00928.html (7,437 bytes)

8. Rebuilt Engine (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 12:20:09 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 30.07.2004 12:20:09, Serialize complete at 30.07.2004 12:20:09
Hi List I've just completed assembly of the chassis / drive train of my 1957 TR3. Yesterday I turn the engine around for the first time using the starter (no ignition yet) and my question is: Am I ri
/html/triumphs/2004-07/msg01595.html (7,670 bytes)

9. RE: Rebuilt Engine (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 11:31:29 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 31.07.2004 11:31:30, Serialize complete at 31.07.2004 11:31:30
Hi Fellow Triumphists As the Triumph community is rather limited here in Norway, I must say I really appriciate this opertunity to call for help/opinion on this List I will once more pull myself into
/html/triumphs/2004-07/msg01627.html (8,023 bytes)

10. TR3 Engine question (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 23:27:55 +0200 KOLBEINSEN/HAUGESUND/FMC/US(Release 6.5|September 26, 2003) at 08.06.2004 00:33:00, Serialize complete at 08.06.2004 00:33:00
Hi List This may seem as some stupid questions, but I still hope for your opinion.... Q1: During installation of my rebuilt TR3 (low port) head, I read in the Service Instruction Manual that I should
/html/triumphs/2004-06/msg01104.html (7,358 bytes)

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