- 321. SU carb styles (score: 1)
- Author: "A. B. Bonds" <ab@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: 09 Mar 1995 14:45:01 -0600
- In response to Gus' inquiry re carb styles. I am not an _authority_ on SU's but have gleaned the following in my experience. The fundamental performance of all SU's is essentially identical, with som
- /html/mgs/1995-03/msg00068.html (9,374 bytes)
- 322. Springs and manifolds (score: 1)
- Author: "A. B. Bonds" <ab@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: 09 Mar 1995 15:59:11 -0600
- My rapid reply is because we are on spring break, and I would rather do this than grade papers just now... (1) Regarding throttle return springs. I have always found SU's on MG's to have both a linea
- /html/mgs/1995-03/msg00074.html (7,478 bytes)
- 323. Re:Overdrives (score: 1)
- Author: "A. B. Bonds" <ab@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: 27 Mar 1995 09:45:50 -0600
- Having (successfully, I might add) just grafted an OD onto my '73, I have the following comments to add to the thread. 1. You have to get an OD/tranny combo. The output shaft differs from the non-OD
- /html/mgs/1995-03/msg00193.html (8,721 bytes)
- 324. Re: What is nigh mileage on an MGB? (score: 1)
- Author: "A. B. Bonds" <ab@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: 29 Mar 1995 09:55:26 -0600
- This is a good question that has not surfaced recently. At some slight risk of flame attraction, engine blocks on British cars seem to be made out of fine cheese. It has been my experience that with
- /html/mgs/1995-03/msg00234.html (8,333 bytes)
- 325. Re: Fast Road (score: 1)
- Author: "A. B. Bonds" <ab@vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
- Date: 31 Mar 1995 10:09:24 -0600
- Vicky Brit had a sale on Crane ignition in January, $80. I _highly_ recommend it as well. Car starts faster, idle picked up about 200 RPM. No problems with the later Smiths pulse-type tach (hooks ont
- /html/mgs/1995-03/msg00259.html (10,110 bytes)
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