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Total 637 documents matching your query.

21. [oletrucks] garage floor slab (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 17:24:51 -0600
Today, some friends and I filled in the area and tamped it down. I am now ready to hose it down and then lay some Visqueen and rebar. My question is: on what centers should I run my rebar? I was thin
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00014.html (8,375 bytes)

22. Re: [oletrucks] garage floor slab (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 20:44:37 -0600
How thick is your slab and do you get cold temps? Would really cold temps increase the likelyness of a crack happening? What state do you live in? I thought about the fiber stuff. I'll look into that
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00018.html (10,534 bytes)

23. Re: [oletrucks] whats causing backfire(off subject vehical) (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000 20:52:29 -0600
check for leaky vacuum hoses, a bad vacuum diverter valve, a fault in the computer system, mal adjusted choke, out of time with an overly rich carb or F.I. system. Backfiring through the exhaust is v
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00019.html (8,277 bytes)

24. Re: [oletrucks] garage floor slab (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 00:18:08 -0600
It gets cold here, but not -40º. And certainly no weeks on end deep freezes like you get, but the coldest I have seen it near Flagstaff Arizona where I lived was -32º with no more space to push the p
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00024.html (8,434 bytes)

25. Re: [oletrucks] please remove from list (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 10:39:57 -0600
hey man, theres a page to remove yourself. it came yesterday on the monthly newsletter from this listserver. oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00038.html (7,207 bytes)

26. Re: [oletrucks] Garage Floors. (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 20:06:08 -0600
I am doing it myself and the garage is where my truck will be transformed into a jewel. oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00058.html (6,996 bytes)

27. Re: [oletrucks] CAT diesel in a '55 2 ton (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 20:08:17 -0600
there ain't no way a cat 6 will fit. the closest would be an 8.2 liter detroit allison. this is a gm built diesel and its a monster oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00059.html (8,291 bytes)

28. Re: [oletrucks] garage floor slab (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 20:15:55 -0600
What does the air do? thx oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00060.html (8,336 bytes)

29. Re: [oletrucks] Another silly question (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 20:19:27 -0600
AD is Advanced Design and TF is Task Force, 47 second series to 55.1 is the AD's and the 55 second series to 59 are the TF's. oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00061.html (60,635 bytes)

30. [oletrucks] posted pics (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 07:25:09 -0600
About 2 weeks ago, somebody was suppose to email me some pics to post for us all. Did you still want them posted? If, so email them to me and I'll get on them. jim oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and G
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00079.html (6,423 bytes)

31. Re: [oletrucks] CAT diesel in a '55 2 ton (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 07:26:27 -0600
That engine weighs almost double of the original! oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00080.html (8,301 bytes)

32. Re: [oletrucks] Themorsat Question (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 07:12:04 -0600
Back then, they ran lower temps. one reason is when alcohol is used for freeze protection, one couldn't run the engine hotter, because the alcohol would boil away. I run the hottest thermo I can. On
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00102.html (7,424 bytes)

33. Re: [oletrucks] Disquised 235's (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:46:01 -0600
Even with a balanced harmonic balancer, there can be different sizes. Big hunken ones are good for a stroked motor or a workhorse or a super smooth Cadillac idle and a lightweight one for quick revvi
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00111.html (12,660 bytes)

34. Re: [oletrucks] 216/235 swap questions (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 09:15:16 -0600
I bought a water pump at Checker and then stopped by Harbor Frieght and bought "el cheapo" 4" grinder and lopped the portion of the shaft that ain't needed. I have a grinder, $20 and a short shaft wa
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00128.html (9,085 bytes)

35. Re: [oletrucks] 1953 hoods/emblems (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 19:44:55 -0600
Aren't the fenders the same on the AD first and second series? oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00146.html (7,350 bytes)

36. Re: [oletrucks] I'm back (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 19:46:51 -0600
How about a poodle/doberman hood ornament? oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00147.html (7,617 bytes)

37. Re: [oletrucks] 216/235 swap questions (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 07:40:20 -0600
A bigger pulley will slow down the pump. I don't have any other pulleys. The pulley looks stock if you didn't know the difference. oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00163.html (10,110 bytes)

38. Re: [oletrucks] split exhaust (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 11:34:10 -0600
Be sure to get the heated manifold!!! oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00166.html (7,336 bytes)

39. Re: [oletrucks] Howdy! (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 18:32:16 -0600
Leah, I don't know what truck you have, so I'll assume you have an AD. Each of the 2 gauges have 4 small (3/8's, I think) nuts attached at about 11 and 2 o'clock and 8 and 4 o'clock. Drain the coolan
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00173.html (9,555 bytes)

40. Re: [oletrucks] 261 engine. (score: 1)
Author: New Mexico Jim <>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 14:25:09 -0600
which model 261 is better? I don't care about an oil filter. My non filtered one has just done well without any filter at all. I read somewhere that is one is better for hopping up than the other and
/html/oletrucks/2000-10/msg00202.html (7,955 bytes)

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