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Total 14 documents matching your query.

1. lyrics to song MGBGT- (delete if no interest) (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 09:42:27 -0500
I recollect some discussion awhile back about Mr. Richard Thompson's song, "MGB-GT" and I thought I'd pass along the lyrics. A friend just gave me the CD although I don't have a GT.....? I've got a l
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg01115.html (7,873 bytes)

2. Gauge identification (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 22:22:07 -0400
Hello fellow listers: Anybody got a "gauge book" or other reference? I need the following gauges identified; they are: Speedo SN 6135/00 1472 Speedo SN 5230/13 1000 Speedo SN 5230/05S 1376 Tach RVC 1
/html/mgs/2000-08/msg01678.html (6,168 bytes)

3. paint code (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:07:25 -0400
Hi fellow listers! Anybody got a "modern" paint code for any of the current major manufacturers for "Vale Green?" It is off a 60 Farina Magnette. TIA. Regards, Brian Warmuth 59 MGA 1500 60 Farina mag
/html/mgs/2000-06/msg00765.html (6,267 bytes)

4. Interesting item on eBay web site item#359206933: MG : Magnet (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 09 28 17 PDT
Hey listers: Anybody interested in an MG ZB Magnette, there is one on e-bay...only a couple hours left. NO personal interest, don't know the owner. Just thought someone might be interested as it is n
/html/mgs/2000-06/msg01214.html (7,733 bytes)

5. Re: Interesting item on eBay web site item#359206933: MG : Magnet (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 08:22:25 -0400
he,he,he, yeah, I know the feeling. I too, have a 58 ZB Magnette up on a cradle in the garage awaiting my attentions.....completely disassembled. I just don't have any more room. Time to build anothe
/html/mgs/2000-06/msg01244.html (9,731 bytes)

6. Pos to neg (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 08:28:20 -0400
I suppose this topic has been covered before and there are probably some web-pages which deal with the specifics of the process, but I would like to convert my MGA from the positive ground to negativ
/html/mgs/2000-06/msg01245.html (7,619 bytes)

7. Re: Pos to neg (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 09:49:49 -0400
Well, I don't have that problem because my tach is mechanical drive. Yours is electric and requires you to take it out of the instrument panel , I believe take the tach rear cover off and "reverse" t
/html/mgs/2000-06/msg01251.html (8,988 bytes)

8. Rear Hub Pull-r? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 11:13:35 -0400
Is there an "easy" way to remove the hubs on a typical BMC rear, ie. MGA, ZB Magnette, etc. that I am not seeing. Perhaps, some home-spun contraption using a 2X4 and a pry bar? I have a (cheap) gear
/html/mgs/2000-05/msg01094.html (6,625 bytes)

9. Fuel pump? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 10:12:29 -0400
O.K. here's the problem. (59 MG Magnette has an aftermarket elec. fuel pump--not an S.U.) Car is running really great...just after a tune-up and timing adjustment. Stop by the pub for a bite....come
/html/mgs/2000-05/msg01176.html (7,054 bytes)

10. Carslile vendor? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 12:29:56 -0400
This is a very, very long shot, but here goes. If you were a vendor at Carslile last weekend, and you remember talking to a fellow about two N.O.S. chrome headlight rims, which after we both consulte
/html/mgs/2000-05/msg01203.html (6,514 bytes)

11. ZB horn/ trafficator switch (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 09:11:03 -0500
Hi fellow list members: Anybody got a spare steering wheel hub assembly (comprised of the horn and traffic signal switch) for a ZB Magnette...........I think (maybe) a ZA switch would also fit as wel
/html/mgs/2000-03/msg00102.html (6,928 bytes)

12. SUVLBC (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 08:30:24 -0500
Right! Well the SUV is short for "Surburban Utility Vehicle" or (Stupid Useless Vehicle) and the LBC is for "Little British Car" Brian Warmuth
/html/mgs/2000-03/msg00497.html (6,332 bytes)

13. last of the "suv" rant? (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 15:40:47 -0500
"Damn why don't we just sell out to big brother and let him tell us all what we can drive or not drive... you know if we all road horses gas would be almost free around here then" Well, really the Go
/html/mgs/2000-03/msg01154.html (8,163 bytes)

14. Paint code (score: 1)
Author: Brian Warmuth <warmuthb@WLSC.WVNET.EDU>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 11:44:38 -0500
Hi fellow listers: Anybody have a modern paint code for "Damask Red"? It's going on a 58 ZB. Original color. TIA Brian
/html/mgs/2000-03/msg01554.html (6,282 bytes)

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