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Re: Loss of Oil Pressure

To: Paul_Barlow@translink.bc.ca
Subject: Re: Loss of Oil Pressure
From: Mitchel Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 06:49:34 -0400
Hi Paul,
30lb hot idle oil pressure sounds a high. Your 20lbs at hot idle is
closer to normal. When I say hot idle I don't mean the temp gauge just
got up to normal running temp. Your oil is going to go through viscosity
changes constantly with engine temps and driving changes. You would be
amazed at your oil pressure readings after an hour run on a 90 degree
day at 60 mph.
I have had much better success with Valvoline Racing 20-50w. I have
always had lower readings with any Castrol product. I don't know the
reason but it has always proved to give me lower readings.
My start up oil pressure is 75-80lbs idle, in temps below 60 degrees.
Hot idle in the summer after an hour of hard driving 18-20lbs. A blip of
the throttle brings it right back up to 50lbs. I'll maintain 50-60lbs at
60mph on hot summer long drives over an hour.

Mitch Seff
75 TR6
Oceanside, N.Y.

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