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Brush replacement

To: "TR6 list" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Brush replacement
From: "Gary Fluke" <res0s0t7@verizon.net>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:20:37 -0700

As is, two of the brushes are connected to the stator windings by their copper
braided wire being (it looks like) mashed into the silver conductor bar with
heat applied.  How are replacement brush leads supposed to be connected, with
silver solder?  I wonder if the silver bar will melt with the heat.  The bar
is really soft, leading me to believe it is probably pretty close to pure
silver.  How have any of you done this when replacing brushes?
I'm hoping to go for a drive tonight as we have record temperatures for this
day in the Seattle area and that would be a great way to cool down.


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