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Looking for an old friend...

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Looking for an old friend...
From: "Mark Anderton" <andertonm@cox.net>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:38:32 -0400
I bought my first TR6 (75) from my sister-in-law who had bought it new.  About
fifteen years ago, I bought my current TR-6 (72), swapped engines (it's a long
story) and sold the 75 with the 72 engine (yes, I told the buyer what he was
getting).  I stayed in touch with the buyer for a few years, but they and the
car have long since disappeared.  I have always regretted "de-originalizing"
both cars and have always hoped I might come across the 75 some day and make a
deal to swap engines back where they belong.  All of which brings me to my
question - has anybody seen CF39808U hanging around anywhere?  It was Mimosa
yellow last time I saw it.

Mark Anderton
72 TR6
Virginia Beach

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