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SCCA Solo II DC nat'l Tour

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: SCCA Solo II DC nat'l Tour
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 17:29:11 -0400 (EDT)
Hi All,

Please don't reply to this, I'll be away from my e-mail for a while.

I'm headed to Washington, DC and I'll be mostly at RFK stadium on Friday,
Sat. and Sunday. This event is a "big deal" autocross with many drivers
who are national level competitive. At any rate, I'll be there "defending
the honor" for Triumph. There is another Triumph that'll be there, Mark
van de Carr in his DM (Toyota 4AGE powered Spitfire). I think that's it
for Triumphs.

But if you have an interest in autocross and you live near RFK (FedEX)
Stadium, you might want to stop by and check out the action.

IMPORTANT: The Solo II Tour events are not open to the general public
from a spectating point of view. This is an insurance regulation.
However, if you just happen to have a need to bring a spare part to help
out Bob Lang in the number 40 FP car (nudge nudge), then by all means do
so. You MUST sign a waiver at the gate.

If you intend to take pictures, you MUST have a spotter. This means
anywhere on the site. The intent is that photographers won't get run over
by cars behind them. Please obey this requirement.

NO KIDS IN GRID, and leave Fido at home.

I have no idea where I'll be paddocked, but look for a purplish silver TR6
with #40. I'll try to remember to fly the FOT flag.  If you want to stop
by and say hi, then by all means do it.

Warning, if I am in grid or if I need to do repairs on the car, I might be
a bit ornerey. Please don't rush to judgement untill we have a chance to
toss a couple of beverages together. :-)

p.s. leave the beer/wine stuff at home, please.
Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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