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Re: TSI Roller Rockers

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: TSI Roller Rockers
From: "Nick Gemas" <gln@worldpath.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 15:48:11 -0400
Thanks Dan,
    I pretty sure that's the case. I'll let you know.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Malling" <dmallin@attglobal.net>
To: "Nick Gemas" <gln@worldpath.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: TSI Roller Rockers

> Hi Nick,
> Please let me know what you hear.
> If memory serves another person on the list had the same problem. He
> said you had to put spacers or washer or something on the shaft. Can't
> remember exactly. Can't remember who it was. Name is on the tip of my
> tongue. If I think of it, I'll let you know.
> Thanks,
> Don Malling
> Got it.... it was Ryan Miles
> Don,
>     The only quality difference between Ted's rockers and Good's is that
> Ted's roller rockers have a bronze bushing where it rides on
> the rocker shaft, and the Goodparts rockers have another roller bearing.
> Ted will make his rockers with the bearings if you want (and
> they are still cheaper), but I have talked to my friend who runs an SCCA
> E-production TR6, and he said that the bushing on the less
> expensive rockers would be fine. If you get roller rockers, you should
> be sure to bolt them on and make sure that the roller centers
> over the valve stem, as they sometimes need to be shimmed to one side or
> the other.
>    Ryan Miles
> Nick Gemas wrote:
> > BlankHi Gang,
> >     I bought a set of TSI Roller Rockers last winter and I'm just
> > them installed and I noticed that the roller tips don't line up with the
> > valve stem very well at all. I put a call into Ted and I'm sure he'll
> > back to me Monday. I was just wondering if anyone else out there had the
> > same problem with TSI rollers. I know they are installed correctly ,
> > the washers installed in correct places.
> > Thanks ,
> > Nick Gemas

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