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RE: Clutch Thoughts

To: "Foster, Stan" <stan.foster@hp.com>, acekraut11@aol.com,
Subject: RE: Clutch Thoughts
From: Todd Bermudez <red_tr250@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 17:29:06 -0700 (PDT)

Since you have the stuff on order...do the rebuild. 
It could very well be the lack of travel.  You could,
of course, measure the distance that the rod travels. 
I believe there is a specified amount.  Besides, it's
a heck of a lot easier than pulling the gearbox.

My 2 cents,

Todd Bermudez

--- "Foster, Stan" <stan.foster@hp.com> wrote:

> The symptoms sound very much like a broken pin. I
> drove my TR6 for years
> with a broken pin and it was more or less functional
> but only barely and
> the frequent occasions when it was not barely
> working like going into
> and out of first and reverse eventually chipped
> those gears to the point
> that they needed replacing. At no time did I suspect
> the pin, I always
> thought it was due to hydraulics or worn out shafts
> etc. I never would
> have imagined that the clutch would function in this
> mode but it seems
> like when the pin shears it allows the fork to
> rotate enough to cause
> problems but not (at least not always) enough to
> cause the clutch to
> totally fail.
> So if your master and slave cylinders seem ok and
> are bled and you still
> find you have to depress the clutch to the floor to
> get into and out of
> first and it is clear that at times the clutch has
> not fully disengaged
> (and you can generally feel that when it happens)
> then a sheared pin
> would be high on my list of candidates.
> Stan
> <snip>
>   I am aware of the dreaded and frequent broken
> clutch fork pin and 
> suspect that might be the cause of my problem. But I
> would think that 
> if the clutch fork wasnt pulling the clutch back
> enough that the car 
> would have trouble disengaging when coming to a
> stop. Does this make 
> sense or, is it more likely that I am missing
> something?
> </snip>
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