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Return to list

Subject: Return to list
From: Bob Douglas <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 02:39:56 -0500
I was knocked off the list a year ago when a SPAM assault over the Thanksgiving 
weekend filled my mail box.  Figured I'd re-s*bscribe once I began working on 
the car again ... you know the story :-(  I returned this fall just in time for 
the threads on babies, Boy Scouts, and Rover V8s - thought for a moment that 
I'd signed onto the wrong list.  Still, it's been nice being plugged back into 
the Alpine world; this has to be one of the best groups of car enthusiasts on 
the net.

After spending a good chunk of last weekend messing with the LBCs again, I 
relaxed some by reading the "The American Automobile" by John B. Rea where the 
following passage caught my attention:

".... studies have shown an inverse correlation between academic performance 
and the amount of time devoted to an automobile."

I be allmost sertain that this are uncorrect.

Regards,  Bob Douglas



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