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To: "Alpines" <>
Subject: Differential
From: "Robert Wiseman" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 03:38:10 -0700
Yesterday while trying to locate the head of the broken ring bolt, I was
shinning a light through the axle housing.  I noticed a large build up of
thick oil/something on the top of both sides.
I was thinking how I could get this out.  I have decided that a 3 foot piece
of threaded rod placed in the housing then put a rag saturated with brake
clean on the end with a large washer and nut.  Pull and push it in and out
of the housing should do the trick.
By the way, still haven't found the mission bolt head.  I am hoping that it
was removed previously.  It is definitely not in the housing.  And I can't
find it in the differential.
Anyone have a better idea for cleaning out the housing?

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