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Re: Recent Crappy Attitudes

Subject: Re: Recent Crappy Attitudes
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 21:21:28 -0700
Y'know, ZAG, I don't remember who dumped all over you orignally and I'm
really sorry you've taken it so hard.  When you tack the (I don't know
anything...remember?) on to your e-mails it obscures what you've just
contributed because the last thing that I see from you each time is
something that sounds whiny and self-pitying and I focus on that.  I
believe that you're better than that and I'm tired of seeing it, so I'd
appreciate it if you'd just "let go".


David Sosna wrote:
> In a message dated 4/19/2001 12:05:53 PM, writes:
> << I'm not familiar with who this is but I must say you're
> making quite an impression. Keep it up and I'll lobby TJ Higgins to have you
> removed.
> Scott Christie >>
> To All my friends and Detractors,
> Scott, I would nominate several others as well. Having been a part of the
> Sunbeam family, particularly Alpines ( though I own a Tiger), since 1979, I
> too am getting fed up with the NEWBIES insulting any list member they care to
> take a potshot at.
> I believe I have a substantial amount to contribute to the Marque and the
> list.
> I received a private email suggesting that the "Old Guard" fragment off into
> a private list. Security access, secret handshake, ect., ect.,  taking about
> a jillion years of combined knowledge and experience along with us.
> When your FUN interferes with someone else's FUN, it isn't FUN. It's a
> distraction from what our mutual interests and goals are. Just because YOU
> FEEL like taking a pot shot, your membership on this list doesn't grant you
> the RIGHT to do so.
> Also, just because you read a book on the history of some obscure Rootes
> Fact, it doesn't grant you the omnipotent position of the Grand Suer. It may
> stroke your ego to rip someone else's head off because they didn't know "the
> exact thread count of the third screw of the left handed boot retainer clip
> of the 53 Talbot Saloon", but honestly who cares??? If it's such a problem
> respond directly to the member and don't BOMB the rest of us with your
> whining.
> Recently the Tiger list, which many of us cross subscribe to, went through
> this same crap.
> Do we need a sargeant at arms to keep the peace?
> ( I don't know anything....Remember?)

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