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Re: [Alpines] Sheet Metal

To: boxweed <>
Subject: Re: [Alpines] Sheet Metal
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:34:45 -0500
I don't know if this will help, but I recently called VB's customer service
department to ask about their door skins.  I told the woman that their sheet
metal didn't have a great reputation so I wanted to learn more about their
return policy.  She said that they would refund 100% including shipping if a
part was defective, and poor fit would "probably" be deemed to be a defect.
However, what was very helpful was that she checked their records and told me
they had sold 17 right side door skins since 2002 and only 1 had been
returned.  She then checked into that one and said it was returned because the
customer meant to order a left side.  It is no guarantee, but this is probably
a good way to get a feel for the quality of a particular part.  (I am still
considering the door skin.)> From:> To:> Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 20:51:33 -0400> CC:> Subject: [Alpines] Sheet Metal> > I recently bought a
'65 Sunbeam with a fair amount of rust, especially in the> rockers and bottoms
of the fenders. Victoria British sells the repair panels> I need, but I've had
some bad experience in the past with the fit of their> sheet metal on other
cars. Does anyone know of a Sunbeam parts supply that> sells decent sheet
metal repair panels?> > Thanks in advance!!> > Bob W.>
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