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Re: Adjusting Koni Qs

To: "David K Yeung" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Adjusting Koni Qs
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:37:45 -0600
Dave Yeung asks:

>I was perusing the adjustment instructions on my Koni Sports and
>it says something to the effect that the adjustment should never
>turned to the maximum position.

The rebound adjustment on Konis was originally intended to
compensate for wear, not to provide repetetive adjustability. For
some reason, they don't want you to "fully adjust" a new shock
for max. rebound damping. I know of nobody who has had bad
experiences directly tied to doing this, but I have never needed
full rebound damping from a new set myself, so I can't say from
my experience if this will cause a problem.


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