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I'm part of the 900!!

To: <>
Subject: I'm part of the 900!!
From: "SmileyRacing" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 23:47:45 -0400
1.  Bill & Linda Smiley
3.  Kettering, Ohio
4.  95CM/CML  VanDieman FF Tues/Wed.
5.  Thursday 9/9, leave Saturday 9/18
6.  Solo City  (in Starship Smiley)
7.  Been Going to Nationals since 1982....looking forward to seeing lots of
folks and meeting new ones too!   Is 3rd place 7 times in a row (CML) some
sort of record?  (;-)

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  • I'm part of the 900!!, SmileyRacing <=