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Car Interval Timings (WAS: Re: new debate question, 1K in 2K?)

Subject: Car Interval Timings (WAS: Re: new debate question, 1K in 2K?)
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 09:46:03 -0400
Mark Sirota <>

> At big sites, it's easier to design a course with good, safe 20-second
> starting intervals than it is at a small site.

I'm not sure what interval exactly becomes too small, but it's not only car-car
interaction you have to be worried about, but also the amount of time it takes
to reset the course.

20 seconds to run out, capture, and replace a cone or series of cones is not

I was Radio Dude at the Terrible Toto Turn on the North course during the DS
runs, and man, the interval was right on the edge of safe. If you got a little
bit wide on the entrance, you cound chop 3 or 4 cones out of that wall, and we'd
be scrambling to get it set up in time. On 3 occasions, I was a heartbeat away
from red flagging the next car, and on at least one occasion, I SHOULD have
red-flagged the car, but didn't. :(

Don't forget the poor guys that have to chase cones.


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