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Evolution open dates

Subject: Evolution open dates
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 11:49:25 EDT
To all those who have inquired about bringing a school to your area.  We have 
had some changes on the schedules, dates changing etc... I also am getting a 
few new clubs asking about open dates.  Well, for the most part, the 
tentative 2001 schedule is up and there are not many dates open from mid 
March to end of July.  August I am leaving open to do out Pre-Nationals warm 
ups in the areas we did and a few more.  I want to do them in all parts of 
the country as they proved very successful in helping people take home some 
trophies at Kansas.

So-any of you warm weather clubs who have been asking/thinking of doing 
something like this for your area, we have Nov, Dec and January slots open.  
Season starts in February for the tours/pros so now is the time to plan for 

Contact me asap is you are thinking of helping your club/area out so we can 
get you on the schedule for fall-winter before there are no slots left.

Jean Kinser
Owner Evolution Performance Driving School
Proud to produce 32 National Champions and 170 trophy winner for the 2000 
SCCA Solo II National Championships

Fell free to pass this on to any other lists out there.  Thanx!

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