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Pylon for May 2001

To: "" <>
Subject: Pylon for May 2001
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 13:14:59 -0400
The May 2001 issue of North American Pylon was mailed in San Francisco to
subscribers yesterday, May 16, 2001. Your favorite post office now controls
The month we cover:
                Fort Worth National Tour; 
                Abbreviated Lubbock (TX) Pro Solo. 
                        Wind limited it to Saturday, only 103 entrants;
                Hayward Wagner beats Barry Saney at Atlanta's 2nd event;   
                Atlanta Region draws 179 to its 3rd event;
                Bruce Wentzel won BSP at Detroit Region's seson opener;
                Summer comes to Petersburg, VA, Tidewater SCC; Terry Baker
maxes PAX;
                Las Vegas Region gets 95 on tax day;
                Reno Region challenges Snake River Region at Winnemucca,
                        Idaho-based Snake River wins by 0.130!
                SoloTime Series opens at Salina, KS.
                Vernon Head, Trackmagic kart, sets FTD at a pair of San
Francisco Region 
                        events at Golden Gate Fields, Albany, CA.
                American Autocross Series pays out $8776 to '00's top
                Atlanta Region announces a money event limited to 64
Plus Columns by:
                Pat Kelly on how good event scoring improves fun factor.
                Warren Leveque discusses aromas. What the Corvair owner
never smells is boiled                          over radiator fluids with
the sweet aroma of anti-freeze.
                Lorenzo the Scribe tours an air museum in Windsor Locks,
                Editor John Kelly has a lengthy discussion in print with
Rocky Entriken on                                       course navigation
details; and he compliments National management for                        
introducing timing slips at the '00 Nationals, but he points out 
                        the rules still do not require a driver to come to
                        full stop to pick it up. 
                Tech editor Dwayne Komush is not impressed with the
                        to change rim width specs in Prepared classes.
                Gary Armstrong provides another "Beater" adventure.
Our interview this month is with Greg and Jodi Fordahl of Bremerton, WA.
The Fordahls won FP and FPL at the '00 Nationals in their Porsche 914 and
AP and APL at the '99 
Nationals in a borrowed Porsche 911 GT3R, a 3.8-liter car that literally
blew away the class. Both also scored other National class titles
        Then there's the most complete Autocross Calendar seen anywhere,
        and our Garage Sale section has your next racer for sale in it.
Want to learn more about North American Pylon? 
        Check out our web page at <>

Subscriptions are $24 for 12 monthly issues. In Canada $27.50 in U.S.
We regret at this time we are unable to serve overseas markets.

To subscribe, call 1-800-KT-KELLY 9-5 M-F (Pacific time) 
        and charge to Visa or MasterCard.       
Or, mail a check to:    North American Pylon
                                                P.O. Box 1203
                                                Pleasanton, CA 94566-0120

Or, FAX your address and Visa or MC number to (925) 846-0118.
It operates 24/7.

--John Kelly

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