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Re: [evolution-disc.] Anyone got the 2005 solo rules pdf

To: "'Evolution Discussion'" <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Anyone got the 2005 solo rules pdf
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:12:44 -0500
> -----Original Message-----
> Yes, I'm planning on nefariously copying and pasting sections of the text
> in replies to questions about the rules.  I'm a bad, bad man.
> Mark
----- Original Message -----
> Select text under tools appears to work, so you can just clip to a new
> document.
It does??

I have Adobe Reader version 6.0.2 and when I highlight the text adn attempt
to "right click" it, in order to paste it somewhere else, the "copy to
clipboard" function is unavailable.  Do I need a newer version?

Am I just that dumb, again?


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