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Re: JACircuits timer failure...

To: Mark Andy <>
Subject: Re: JACircuits timer failure...
From: Scott Tengen <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 16:06:41 -0500
Interesting... I replied to you last year and this was sent from outlook 
(out stink) today ... very strange indeed.


Mark Andy wrote:

> Howdy,
> Holy wayback machine!
> The problem turned out to be the fuse on the back, which was blown but 
> didn't _look_ blown.  Replaced it, and everything was fine.
> Mark
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Scott Tengen wrote:
>> Did you try disconnecting the battery all together and only powering 
>> the unit via the "charger".
>> Mark Andy wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what might be wrong 
>>> with our timer...
>>> At our last event, the timer first started seeing finish trips well 
>>> after
>>> the car went through the lights.  I.e., car goes through the finish
>>> lights, one or two seconds passes, then the timer beeps and displays a
>>> finish time.  We ran a new wire out to the finish light, but when we 
>>> went
>>> to plug it in, the timer died completely, no power, nothing.  The 
>>> charger
>>> / power supply had the "fast charge" led lit, and it was plugged 
>>> into 110
>>> ac the entire time.
>>> I opened the case, no loose connectors and the internal fuse 
>>> visually appeared fine (as did the fuse on the back).  I didn't have 
>>> a meter, so I couldn't check that the battery had power, whether or 
>>> not the fuses were _really_ ok, etc.
>>> Any ideas?  I was wondering if the battery gave up the ghost 
>>> entirely and that, even though it was plugged into 110 ac, the 
>>> battery must be working at least a little for the timer to operate?

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