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Sunday's event

Subject: Sunday's event
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 22:53:14 EDT
In a message dated 7/1/03 10:48:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I would pass on the fun runs if we could use the extra sunlight to allow 4
> runs each

I vote for fun runs.  

1)  The big events are all based on 3 runs and SFR folks need to learn to do 
their best by run #3.  The game is played completely differently with 4 than 
3.  I feel that SFR members' results at big events suffered when we had 4 runs.

2)  If we give 4 runs, then everyone who is in it for the win or points needs 
to make all 4 runs to give it their best shot, because their competition 
will.  This increases your tire budget by 33% to run the event.  Spread that 
over a whole series, and it can be significant for some.  If we get done early 
enough to have fun runs, those who want to can, those who want to go after 3 
runs can.

3)  If we don't have time for fun runs, then we also don't have time for 33% 
more timed runs.  And the event chairs will have a much harder time knowing 
that they are oversubscribed than with 3 runs.

4) Any delays (timing system, mechanical, etc.) are a much bigger problem 
when you're trying to give 4 runs.


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