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Painting my trailer

To: <>
Subject: Painting my trailer
From: "Josh Sirota" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 15:39:06 -0700
I'm looking for a body shop who might be willing to paint my car trailer --
basic flatbed trailer with wood bed, with a steel box on the front.  So the
only paintable parts are the perimeter frame, the box, and the fenders.  The
wood bed doesn't need to be painted.

Has anyone ever had their trailer painted by a body shop for a reasonable
price?  I talked to three body shops today, and none of them were very excited
about the prospect of painting a trailer.  It's either too big for their shop,
or it's too far outside the norm for them to bother with.  They thought it
would be much more work than painting a car.  Only two of them wanted the job
enough to give a quote, and both quoted over $1K.

That's WAY too much for a trailer.

Can anyone make any suggestions (other than, "Just go get some spray paint
from Home Depot")?  Preferably somewhere somewhere near my Mt. View office?

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