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Re: seat sensor

To: Pugsracer <>
Subject: Re: seat sensor
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 18:25:13 -0400
At 10:45 AM 4/9/98 EDT, Pugsracer wrote:

>I am doing this off of memory so bear with me, but isnt there a wire 
>under the seat and also to the seat belts? I have disconnected whatever 
>wires there are and the car starts fine. Basically disconnecting them 
>eliminates the circuit.

Pugs, you might be right.  We haven't had the seat wires plugged in and
didn't have the seat belts wired up either and the car started.  We
still didn't have any of that hooked up when it decided not to start.

I haven't been able to really trace all the wires to try and figure out
just where our problem is.  My first task was just the get the darn
thing running again.  Which I did.  The funny part about it, is that
there was a previous owner (PO) installed switch under the dash.  We
didn't know what it was for.  When I finally figured out how to bypass
the seat belt circuit, I found out that the PO had also.  The switch
was on to the same 2 wires that I jumpered.  Only the PO apparently
didn't own a soldering iron as he had just twisted the wires together
and wrapped them with electrical tape.  Apparently they loosened up
as the switch didn't make any difference.

While I have jury rigged this 74, I urge everyone that when we work
on these cars, especially the electrical, we try to document as much
as we can so we can come up with a wiring diag.  I'm going to try to
figure out how to get the park/neutral switch working on this 74 and
document how it is wired over the next couple of weeks.  The big 
problem is that the owner doesn't care, he just want's the darn thing
to run!!!!


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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