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To wax or what?

To: <>
Subject: To wax or what?
From: "Jon Postoloff" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 06:05:06 -0400

I own a '75 orange Bricklin and have been a "lurker" for some time.
I've enjoyed reading all the comments from the pros and picking up
hints how to take care of the car.  I have two questions.

1) Since it an an acrylic skin (still original), do you buff it, wax
it or what?  Nothing has been done to the finish since it was bought.

2)  I have a problen with the passenger side headlight.  Something is
preventing it from popping up.  Do you have any ideas what it might be
catching on.  It has come up on ocassion but when least expected.

Thank you for any light you can shed on these areas.

Jon Postoloff

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