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Re: powdery corrosion in air system

Subject: Re: powdery corrosion in air system
From: Adam Lazur <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 11:22:38 -0400 ( said:
> I have had a bit of powdery corrosion as well. I assume it is because of 
> moisture in the system. I haven't had enough to hurt much so haven't look 
> into ways to get rid of it.

Well, I dug into things a bit more yesterday and ascertained that the
powdery corrosion is coming from the driver side air cylinder (which
would explain why only one (the exhaust) valve was clogging up). I
guess it's time for a new door cylinder.

As an aside, I put a moisture filter in the system just off the
compressor. The old brass one was given to me with the car in a box of
parts and I never bothered to get it connected up... guess I learned
my lession with that one.


[     Adam Lazur | Computer Engr Ugrad | Lehigh Univ. |   _ __      ]
[        icq 3354423 |    |__( | /_     ]
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