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Hey Peops

Subject: Hey Peops
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 21:00:25 EDT
About this paint job... OYE!  What kind of sandpaper do you suggest?  I don't 
wanna screw it up too bad... isn't there a "grain" or something of the 
roughness on sandpaper?
___________________FROM JOHN_______________________________
does anyone know anything about wiring on this crazy car?  how does the fuse 
box get power from the battery, through what cables?  there is one red wire 
that comes off of the starter seloniod that is hot goes into the back of the 
fuse box doesn't connect to the actual fuse box but comes in the same 
connection goes into the dash wiring and ends at a circle connector that's 
covered by a black boot.  there is a ground wire (black) that's the same 
gauge wire with a circle connector and a black boot covering it. same as the 
hot wire........
what are these two wires for?   (((radio???)))  if so where does the fuse box 
get power????  if not, what attachs to the other end of the live wire to give 
power to the fuse box? 
__________________________^from john________________________


so hey Ft Worth//Dallas Bricklin owners...   wanna take a trip to Blue 
Mound???  I'll cook ya dinner if you can fix this  hehe... ((but i don't cook 
well haha))

Lots of Love Here...

Kim & John

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