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RE: A very sad day!

Subject: RE: A very sad day!
From: "Steve Owens" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 00:18:38 +0000
This IS very sad.  For our own information on how 'survivable' is a Bricklin 
in a crash, any photos of this car would be appreciated.  Definitely forward 
our condolences to this person.

(John) I think the investment in special Eastwood equipment for spraying 
inside Bricklin frames (with Por 15 or whatever) is worth spraying inside 
the birdcage.  If it stops rust in there, it could be helpful in an accident 
such as this 50 years from now.  You probably did it already.

On an unrelated note, I just got back my 440.  It was meticulously prepared 
(cam/heads) by the west coast guru of mopars -- Rich Nedbal.  I hope to get 
a photo of it online for the club, but figure it will be more interesting 
inside the car.  If anyone ever has occasion to have a chrysler v8 rebuilt I 
would highly recommend him.  If you want a fuel injected 800hp hemi, this is 
a "typical job" for him.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Reply-To: "John T. Blair" <>
Subject: A very sad day!
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 19:49:35 -0400

I just received the following email from Les.  Unfortunately, we've lost
another one.


 >Hi John T.,
 >I lost number 118 yesterday, a speeding full size pickup came out of the
 >fog yesterday and broad sided it just aft of center as I was making a
 >left turn.  I guess he wasn't watching the road, no attempt was made to
 >stop, I think the collision was at about 50 mph.
 >I was lucky to walk away from it, had I been in my S-10 pickup I don't
 >think I would have survived, took a hell of a shot!
 >Might make an interesting picture comparison, the passenger side is all
 >pushed in, the frame bent, the seat twisted upward, I don't think a
 >passenger would have had much chance to survive this particular crash.
 >The driver air door still works fine, the seat is intact, my greatest
 >injury is the rig cage where it banged into the center console, that
 >thing was a pain while I worked under the dash.
 >The irony is that I had finished it completely the day before, after
 >some 4 and a half months of almost non-stop effort getting everything
 >just so.  I really liked the car, it was a very pretty car and I had
 >done so much to make it better, for me it was perfect.
 >Today I'm sad and my ribs hurt, my neck took a little hit too.
 >Damn!  Hope your world is going ok.
John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:
Va. Beach, Va             (eBay id: zebra48-1)
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

           48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
      75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887)    77 Spitfire    71 Saab Sonett III
                        65 Rambler Classic


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