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virus among the list

To: "bl" <>
Subject: virus among the list
From: "High Tech Coatings" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 06:06:30 -0400
I have been receiving lots of virus laden emails lately from members of the
list I suspect. I suspect this as they all have bricklin subscribers as the
faked from address. and it comes to an address that I use only for this
list. I tired of deleting virus laden emails and someone may actually open
one of these attachments and get the virus and spread it further.
Please do us all a favor and keep you anti virus software up to date, that
means downloaded updates at least once a week. If you are toe poor to buy
anti virus software there are free one out there at . If you
think you don't need anti virus software, think again! If your internet
provider says they will protect you, well let me put it this way,   the
police will protect you but you still have locks on your doors don't you.
get some AV software and keep it updated.  the latest one appears to be from
the san fransicso area from Yipes communication, I've also been getting some
from cpe rogers cable. If you are a subscriber and have these companies as
your ISP then chances are you have a virus

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