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Re: Loonies, collectors, and the 'minor rebuild'

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Loonies, collectors, and the 'minor rebuild'
From: Eric Dashman <mit-eddie!!dashman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 90 07:35:13 EST
>>Beware, beware, the apparently innocuous 'complete checkout', the supposedly
>>benign 'just-have-a-look,replace-a-few-parts & button-it-back-up' project,
>>the 'oh-I'll-just-replace-the-bearings-this-weekend' thoughts.

>He tells the truth!  Look how my simple I'll-fix-the-bad-front-end-
>bushings ended up: 'Might as well replace these wheel bearing while I'm here,
>                       .
>                       .
>                       .

I couldn't agree more...however the problem is like a only
stops at either extreme.  I know that I'm going to obsess over the work and
compulsively do it all, so I don't even get started until I have the ducks
in order to be insane for a while.  You wouldn't believe how many projects
are hanging fire....waiting on time, yeah, and money too (I just can't put
that fuel pressure regulator in the 3000's fuel line until the car's body 
gets restored :-)).

Eric Dashman

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