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To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Solutions
From: mit-eddie!tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU!garnett@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Roger Garnett)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 90 08:07:55 EST
>From Lydia:
        We're about to replace the fuel tank sending unit on our MGB.  We are
        sure that the existing one is bad.
        I think the current unit leaks a little when the tank is full.  Is
        there a sealant we could use to leak-proof the new sending unit?

You're sure, huh? MGB sending units (on the top of the tank) themselves, 
don't tend to leak. The seal (rubber ring) between them and the tank may.
They are available new, and should be replaced with the unit. (Cheap)
More common than that tho, is that the top of the tank will rust out and
leak. First areas to go are under the rubber "bumper straps". If your tank
has *minor* leaks, there are slush-around-the-inside tank sealants which
work well, when applied with care.
        P.S.  About ready to sell the Honda and rely on the MG full time!
Daring, eh? I'ts nice to have another, if for no other reason than being able to
take the B off the road for a couple weeks for through maintaince.
On 'Autobook' repair manuals: 
                Does anyone know of a bookseller/autoplace in this country that
        sells/mailorders repair books from the British 'Autobook' series ? ?
I don't think that these are availble new anymore. (haven't seen any) I've
managed to pick some up at used book stores & sales. They aren't quite as 
good as Bentley's, (which tent to be factory reprints) but are written
independantly, more like Haynes, with some different content than either.

Pete comments:  
        That's funny I always liked my 2000 TC.  My only recurring problem on
        the car was a choke cable that somehow got electrified and melted it's
        jacket (happened 3 times).
You probably had a bad or missing engine ground connecton. (the heavy, possibly
braided wire from engine to motor mount, or fire wall that often gets left
out or disconnected when some pulls the engine) This is an important wire,
it is not only the primary ground path for the spark plugs, but for the
STARTER. We had the same experience with the throttle cable on our BGT when
we first got it. 

]>> Cabinets, cupboards, work tables almost in place. Time for the Si's  <<[
]>> 50K tune-up. "Grand Opening" of the SLCFWCS rapidly approaches!      <<[
  /     _  \        Roger Garnett           (garnett@tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU)
 /   /||  \ \       Agricultural Economics
| |\/ ||  _  |      3 Warren Hall            | South Lansing Centre For
| |   ||   | |      Cornell University       | Wayward Sports Cars
 \    ||__/ /       Ithaca, N.Y. 14853       | (607) 533-7735
  \________/        (607) 255-2522           | SAFETY FAST!

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