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The boys and our toys

To: sol@hoosier (British Cars List)
Subject: The boys and our toys
From: Mike Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 91 10:07:55 PDT
Well it looks like we have LOTS of desk toys.  Not only that but we, as a
group, have some considerable creativity.  (Not too suprizing considering
what you have to do to drive an LBC)

I haven't seen any desk toys from the women in the group.  Is that because
we have very few women?  Because women don't play with anything but real

oops!   I really don't intend to start a sexist thing here.  Just
that I haven't seen any postings from the women for some time.  What
happened to Terri Ann Wakeman?
 Mike Johnson
 Systems Engineer              INTERNET
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 Portland Sales Office         VOICE:          (503) 598-8249
 15115 SW Sequoia Parkway #100 VOICE-MAIL:     (503) 598-8220 (then 8249)
 Portland Oregon 97224         FAX:            (503) 598-8105

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