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Re: Dealer Stickers

Subject: Re: Dealer Stickers
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1993 09:46:10 CST
Roland ( writes:
> These stickers are a rarity in California and I've often wondered
> why.  I find it difficult to believe that car dealers here are capable
> of restraining their urge to slap one of these stupid things on every
> car that passes through their hands.  Are they illegal in California?

I believe they are starting to fade away in favor of plastic license plate
frames on the rear plate. I think they're probably about the same cost to
make, but give the dealer a larger "billboard" area to advertise with, plus
there's less chance of offending the customer by not plastering ads right
on to the paintwork. I'm surprised how many weatherbeaten old dealer plate
frames I see still stuck on older cars.

Another strategy that fortunately bombed real quick with the public was to
put the dealer logo on clear acetate, stuck over the high-mount brake light,
so it lit up the dealer's name whenever you stepped on the brake. As long as
it didn't block more than 40% (!) of the light output, it was legal, but it
_really_ rubbed people the wrong way, and the few dealers pulling that stunt
abandoned it pretty quickly thereafter.

-- Andy

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