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Re: Engine Lineages

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Re: Engine Lineages
From: robbp@healey_h (Robb Pryor)
Date: Wed, 6 May 1992 17:00:01 -0700
On May 6,  1:44pm, Dick Nyquist wrote:
> Subject: Re: Triumph 2000/Renown
> You always hear people refer to almost any older Britcar engine as having
> come out of a tractor. As far as I know the wet slieved triumph engine is
> the only one with a genuine tractor connection and that didn't come OUT
> OF A TRACTOR and into a car.

On a related note, lots of people know that the original 4-banger that went
in to the AH 100 was first stuffed into Austin Taxis that were so common
WWII.  However, the engine was originally intended for use in jeeps during

Robb Pryor

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