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More Wives and Cars

Subject: More Wives and Cars
From: (Ed Devinney)
Date: Sat, 21 May 1994 21:11:39 -0700
WRT wives, cars, and hobbies in general:

Rob Reilly <> writes about SOs and hobbies:
>  I figure the best way to keep [spouses] from nagging us about our hobby is  
> to get them a hobby of their own. I got her a Pfaff sewing machine to replace 

Then Chris Ball <> adds:
> Today, having put out my order for the Moto Lita steering wheel I'm going 
> to replace the sewing machine that is driving Darlene mad in HER hobby.

Then, Pat Vilbrandt <> sez:
> Aaaacccckkk!  You've just described my wife & I!  (Laurie was complaining so
> much about the Kenmore that I took her out and "made" her trade it in on a
> $1500 Pfaff!)  The interesting thing is I've noticed the same relationship 
> with other SOL families I've had the good fortune to meet:  Lawrence & Anne 
> Buja, Scott & Kim Fisher.  (Watch out Scott - I think Kim is just working up 
> to the Pfaff!  ;^)

Egads - this sounds like Chrissie and I!  I think I'm going to start shopping
for Pfaffs as soon as we settle into a New Place (anyone hiring? :-) where I 
can finally get back to working on cars, and she'll have a place to sew.
I'm glad I can get Real Important Information like this early - once again
the BritCars list has me prepared.  This may be more valuable than SU tuning
info (sorry, RogerG...).

Not to crow (OK, to crow a little), I myself have a wife who is open to
my hobbies, and in fact is supportive.  Reciprocate - it goes a long way, and 
you might even find his or her hobbies interesting, too.  BTW, what can you
do with these Pfaff thingies, anyway?  Upholstery, too?

Finding a person who's already hopelessly addicted to some stuff you like 
(old houses, tools, and machines in our case :-) can't hurt, either.
Just make sure everybody knows the deal at the beginning of the game.
The sorts of addictions that we on the SOL list share are the kinds of things
that everyone means when they say 'don't go into a marriage expecting
that he or she isn't what you want, but you can change him/her"... 

But to echo what others have said, you can indeed find a Sig. Other who will
enjoy your avocations, and probably even participate.  It seems to arise
from what Pat said:
>  And the secret to maintaining these relationships is to
> that each person is able to enjoy their own accomplishments, both as 
> individual and together.

And when you find the person who fits, keep 'em!  More valuable than rubies,

ed devinney                                   
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