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To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: Car-Nations
Date: Tue, 31 May 94 09:38:35 EDT
Greg Petrolatti hit on a truism with that posting. I would add the
following to his comments:

If the Germans design them, the parts will be obscenely expensive.
Italians; they will be incomprenehsible, A design that can't work, but does.
Swedes; they will be funky looking.
French; Funkier than the Swedes and uglier.
Japanese: high tech and plastic.
Americans; the parts will be obsolete or worn out in 5 years.
British; the parts will be obsolete or worn out before production.

Greg's entitled to his opinion, so am I.
Rik, constantly tinkering with obsolete, worn out parts, Schlierer

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