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TR-7 propellor shaft

Subject: TR-7 propellor shaft
From: (Lawrence F. Beals, Jr.)
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 00:15 EDT
At the worst possible moment (I'm in Choker Whites and late for a dress 
dinner) I did the ultimate NO-NO.  I put the trans in 1st while still 
rolling backwards and let out the clutch.  LOUD clang from underneath and 
blue wedge don't go no more.  Still got indication on speedometer when accel 
engine so I was sure it wasn't the clutch.  Quick walk to office, change to 
coveralls (necessary part of any TR-7 toolkit) and short (2 mile) push to 
the Auto hobby shop and up on the rack.  Looked bad, the propellor shaft was 
in a couple of pieces just held up by the retaining strap.  Quick look at 
the shop manual, NOT rebuildable.  Always thought there were U-joints in 
there, boy was I wrong. Down off the rack til next day.  Call parts people, 
TRF and BV and local junk yards.  No go on quick replacement and prices are 
high.  Next day up on the rack, pull shaft.
TOTAL failure of weld on forward sliding couple, no plastic deformation.  
Well if it was welded once why not again, especially since I have to be in 
Atlanta in a couple of days and can't leave wife without transportation.  
Reweld it with 4 passes and extra pass on top.  Chuck it up on the lathe, 
spend 1 hour doing simple math to determine highest rotational speed the 
shaft will see.  Safety cage it and using lathe as spin balance, balance 
shaft.  So far so good, looks UGLY but functional.  Regrease, Install and 
hope for best.  Road test excellent, noted vibration from before gone, 
(first clue that I should have looked harder a couple of months ago for 
problem).  Drive to Atlanta and back approx 1300 miles and still going strong.

Anyone else rewelded the propeller shaft, any idea on longetivity of repair?
Lawrence F. Beals, JR        LOCK-AND-KEY: n. The distinguishing device of                 civilization and enlightenment                           -A. Bierce

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