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The New James Bond.

Subject: The New James Bond.
From: Garry Archer <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 09:50:26 -0400
Ayup all.  Sneaking out of quiet mode for a moment.

I saw on "Good Morning America" this morning that they officially
announced the new James Bond approximately 1300 hours GMT today.

It is
        Pierce Brosnan

He of "Remington and Steele" fame and countless other things.  You may
remember he was selected for it before, but NBC wouldn't release him
from "Remington and Steele".  Timothy Dalton was selected instead and
"Remington and Steele" was eventually cancelled anyway!

Anyway, a new James Bond deserves a new car!  British, of course!  Nothing
has been announced, of course, but it's fun to come up with some ideas.

To get the ball rolling and to be somewhat "poetic", how about an
Aston Martin DB7 for 007?  I can't think of anything else more perfect!
Suggest we write to the producers?  :-)


Garry Archer Esq.
  "Like a stately Aston Martin... With all her bravery on, and tackle trim..."
          (With apologies to John Milton who said "ship" in his original quote)

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