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Going Across The Pond

Subject: Going Across The Pond
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 14:37:48 cst
I'm already starting to get geared up for the trip my wife and I will be taking
across the pond next March/April to celebrate our 20th anniversary.

I asked a while back, but I thought I'd ask again: any special places to visit
in Wales or the London area? I want to visit Portmeirion, and the TSSC and my
pals at John Kipping, and Rimmer Bros. 

We'll be in England the last few days of March, then we'll be heading to
Germany for a while, then we'll return to England in mid-April for a few
more days.

Any SOLers in England or Germany want to get together? We'll be mostly in
Baden-Wuertenburg in Germany, around Tuebingen, Stuttgart, but I hope to
make it to Munich and Nuremberg, too.



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