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Re: [British-cars] Buy your T Series MG for $650???

To: Lee <>
Subject: Re: [British-cars] Buy your T Series MG for $650???
From: Paulo Ney de Souza <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:32:26 -0700
Well .. you never know .... a few months ago I went to a local-scrapper 
here in Oakland to get some money from the Governator for a 1983 Toyota 
something that I did not want in my collection and that was getting the 
neighbors annoyed ... upon getting there I acquired a 72 Jag that has 
been dumped there a few minutes earlier in the SAME program, by somebody 

I was not aware of, but the local scrapper has the power on decide what 
to do with the cars they get under the program. In this case I have some 
paperwork to do and a transmission to fix ... but I am extra happy to 
have paid only $1,200 for the Jag.

So you never know, you may make that trip and come out with something 
better ... just let me know when you are going ....

Paulo Ney de Souza
59 Bugeye
72 Jag

Lee wrote:
> This stuff always scares me. Todays voluntary is often tomorrow 
> mandatory.
> Lee
> 1968 Lotus Europe
> 1965 Lotus 7
> two bicycles for exercise
> and a couple of 'newer' vehicles for day-2-day usage
> At 12:37 PM 4/21/2009, you wrote:
>> Forwarded from the T-series list:
>> California and San Francisco Bay Area T series owners should get a 
>> laugh out
>> of the letter, paraphrased below that I recently got from the Bay 
>> Area Air
>> Quality Management District:
>> "Dear Vehicle Owner:
>> Since the registration on your model year 1951 vehicle is expiring soon,
>> please consider an alternative to driving this vehicle.    You can 
>> receive
>> $650 for your 1987 or older car, van or pickup truck from the Bay 
>> Area Air
>> Quality Management District and help reduce air pollution.
>> The District's Buy Back Program buys and then scraps 1987 and older 
>> vehicles.
>> These older vehicles have less efficient emission control equipment and
>> therefore produce much more air pollution than newer vehicles.  This 
>> program
>> is completely voluntary.  If your car is a classic car or otherwise 
>> valuable
>> to you, please disregard this letter."
>> Needless to say I will be disregarding the letter.  No wait, I think 
>> I'll
>> write the BAQMD and ask why they are wasting my taxpayer funds to 
>> mail these
>> letters out to owners of cars as old as mine.   Any car of this age 
>> still
>> registered and in operation is already a classic and more valuable to 
>> the
>> owner than the $650 offered. Still I wonder if the "program is 
>> completely
>> voluntary" provision will someday be rescinded?
>> Time to write your legislators and express your opinions now?
>> John F. Quilter
>> Brisbane, California
>> 1951 MGTD,
>> 1960 Morris Minor
>> 1969 Austin America
>> two bicycles for most local errands
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